Considerations for the Future
The RPI rank reveals which retailers’ customer value propositions are best positioned for future, long-term market success

Prioritize Efforts to Save Customers Money, In Ways Consistent w/ Your Positioning
Consumers of all major segments on the Quality-Savings continuum place importance on saving money; regardless of your strategy, tactics that save your customers money – that align with your long-term strategic positioning – should always be a priority. The form these tactics take for a Quality-first retailer may be different than for a Savings-first retailer but are important nonetheless

Digital Enhancements and Online Offerings Are Not a Must Have
Trader Joe’s, Market Basket and WinCo – and up until only recently Aldi – deprioritize or even completely ignore these pursuits because they excel at the core of grocery: delivering an excellent Quality/Price equation and a consistent in-store experience. However, digital investment can enhance your value proposition and should be pursued, if it doesn’t take focus away from quality assortment and/or savings

Any Format Can Win; It’s What’s In the Box That Truly Counts
Best-in-class supermarkets are hanging with the national non-conventional chains largely through some combination of, among other things: data-fueled personalization leadership (Kroger), unique variety and savings through a private brand focus (H-E-B), a commitment to the lowest prices combined with an employee culture that inspires a strong sense of ownership, which translates to customers feeling valued (WinCo and Market Basket)